£935 DWP State Pension Increase Can be implemented from April 2025: Who Gets It?

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£935 DWP State Pension Increase Can be implemented from April 2025

A sizable portion of senior citizens in the UK rely on their state pension to cover their everyday costs. The recent announcement that the DWP State Pension Increase would be £935 and effective April 2025 has greatly delighted UK retirees.

In light of this, your complete state pension will rise by 4.1% starting in April 2025. Greater payment increases for the state pension than for other pensions are guaranteed by the triple lock rule. The triple lock system raises the state pension every April in accordance with the situation of the economy at the time.

In case you are interested in knowing about £935 DWP State Pension Increase Can be implemented from April 2025, then please read this post till the end.

What is DWP State Pension?

An annual government payment meant to assist individuals throughout their retirement is the state pension. Only after reaching the state pension age, which is presently 66 for both men and women, can you claim it. However, beginning in 2026, this will progressively rise to 67.

£935 DWP State Pension Increase Can be implemented from April

The DWP State pensions are raised annually in accordance with the highest of the following: 2.5%, the average annual wage growth from May to July, or the CPI inflation in the year to September. Every year, millions of state pensioners receive wage increases; next year, more than £460 will be added.

£935 DWP State Pension Increase Overview

Post Title £935 DWP State Pension Increase Can be implemented from April 2025
Provided By UK Government
Increase Basis Triple Lock
Increase Percent 4.1%
Complete Information Read Here

Who Gets It?

When a person (male or female) reaches the age of 66, they can start receiving their UK state pension benefits. You may use the state pension’s online site or call their hotline number to find out when you’ll get it.

A full state pension requires a 35-year history of National Insurance Contributions or National Insurance credits for childrearing or caregiving. To be eligible for any state pension, you must have a National Insurance record that spans at least ten years.

There will be a gradual rise in the state pension age for everyone born after April 5, 1960. By May 2026, it will have increased to 67 by March 2028. In 2044, it is anticipated to increase to 68.

£935 DWP State Pension Net Increase

According to a concept known as the “triple lock,” which stipulates that pensions would increase in accordance with average wages, the cost of living, or 2.5%, whichever is higher, the state pension has increased annually. With average earnings excluding bonuses increasing 4.1% between May and July and being finalized in October, salary growth was the greatest of those in 2025.

Therefore from April 2025, the state pension amount will be:

  • The new full state pension: It is going to increase by £473.60, to £11,976 annually
  • The old or basic state pension: It is going to increase by £361.40, to £9,175.40 annually.

In light of today’s earnings data, the state pension will increase next year. Retirees who get the entire new state pension will notice an increase in their benefits from £11,502.40 in 2025–2024 to about £12,000 for the 2025–2026 tax year. Those with 35 qualifying years of National Insurance contributions who attained state pension age after April 2016 are eligible.

£935 DWP State Pension Payment

For those who have attained the qualifying age, the UK government pays a state pension every four weeks. After you reach a certain age, you can be entitled to receive the State Pension, subject to when you were born. The day when your pension is handed out is determined by your NIN.

Payments for state pensions must be requested; they do not begin automatically upon reaching state pension age. However, a letter with a “invitation code” requesting you to start claiming should be sent to you automatically.

Once you have this, you may apply online, send an application by mail, or phone the Pension Service at 0800 731 7898 to claim it. Delaying your State Pension claim, even if you are eligible for the full amount, might potentially increase the amount you get.

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