Call for Papers


Interested authors are encouraged to submit previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics related to communication theory, information theory, antennas and propagation including but not limited to the following areas:


Track 1: Communication Theory

  • Adaptive Modeling
  • Adaptive Modulation and Coding
  • Autonomic Communications
  • Blind Signal Separation Techniques
  • CDMA and Spread Spectrum
  • Channel Estimation and Synchronization
  • Channel Modelling
  • Communications Modelling
  • Communications Protocols and Security
  • Communications Switching and Routing
  • Cooperative Communications
  • Delay-Tolerant Communications
  • Distributed Communications
  • Diversity and Fading Countermeasures
  • DSP for Communications
  • Dynamic Spectrum Management
  • Fault-Tolerant Networks
  • Feedback in Communication Systems
  • Femtocell and Picocell-Enhanced Cellular Networks
  • Filtering Techniques
  • Heterogeneous Networks
  • High-Speed Communications
  • Interference Management
  • Internet Architecture Design
  • Iterative Techniques, Detection, and Decoding
  • Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications
  • Multimedia and Multicast Communications
  • Multiple Access Techniques
  • Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems
  • Multiplexing
  • Multiuser Detection and Multiuser Diversity
  • Network Coding and Network Management
  • Noise Reduction
  • OFDM & DMT Processing Techniques
  • Optimization Methods
  • Powerline Communications
  • Queuing Theory
  • Radio Resource Management and Scheduling
  • Reliable and Safe Communications
  • Signal Processing in Communications
  • Space-time Coding and Processing
  • Synchronization
  • Cognitive Radio and Cross-Layer Design
  • Transmission Diversity
  • Ultra-Wide Band Communications



Track 2: Information Theory & Applications

  • Algorithmic information theory
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Coded Modulation
  • Coding for Communication and Storage
  • Coding Theory and Practice
  • Communication Systems
  • Communication Theory
  • Complexity and Computation Theory
  • Cryptography and Data Security
  • Data Compression and Source Coding
  • Data Storage
  • Detection and Estimation
  • Error Control Coding
  • Genomics Processing
  • Information Flow in Neural Systems
  • Information Theory and Biology
  • Information Theory and Radar
  • Information Theory and Compressed Sensing
  • Information Theory and 5G Technologies
  • Information Theory and Statistics
  • Information Theory for Content Distribution
  • Information Theory for Memories
  • Information Theory, Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Linguistics
  • Mobile Communications
  • Multi-Terminal Information Theory
  • Network Information Theory
  • Pattern Recognition and Learning
  • Physical Layer Security
  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Rate-Distortion Theory
  • Shannon Theory
  • Signal Processing
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Wireless Communication and Networks



Track 3: Antennas, Propagation and Scattering

  • 3D Printed Antennas
  • Antenna Design and Analysis
  • Antenna Feeds and Matching Circuits
  • Antenna Measurements
  • Antenna Radiation Patterns
  • Antenna Signal Processing and Control
  • Bandwidth, Optimization
  • Body-Centric Antennas
  • Broadband Antennas
  • Conformal Antennas
  • Dielectric Resonator Antennas
  • Dipole Antennas
  • Electrically Small Antennas
  • Electromagnetic Metamaterials
  • Electromagnetic Noise and Interference
  • Guided and Leaky Wave Antennas
  • Indoor, Urban, Terrestrial, and Ionospheric Propagation
  • Inverse Scattering and Imaging
  • Loaded Antennas
  • Magnetic Nanoparticles
  • MEMS/Nano Technology for Antennas
  • Microstrip Antennas, Arrays, and Circuits
  • Microwave and Millimeter Wave Devices and Circuits
  • Microwave Applications
  • Microwave Measurements
  • Modeling and Simulations
  • Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering
  • Multi-Band Antennas
  • Multipath Interference
  • Navigational Aids and Radar
  • On-Chip Antennas
  • Permittivity
  • Phased-Array Antennas
  • Propagation and Scattering in Random or Complex Media
  • Propagation and Sensing
  • Radiation Aspects of Terrestrial and Space-Based Communication
  • Radio Astronomy and Propagation
  • Radio Frequency Communication Systems and Signal Processing
  • Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays
  • Reflector and Reflect Array Antennas
  • Satellite Communication
  • Scattering, Diffraction, and RCS
  • Slot Antennas
  • Smart and Adaptive Antennas
  • Terahertz Nano and Optical Antennas
  • Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Antennas
  • Vehicular Antennas and Electromagnetics
  • Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
  • Wearable, Implanted, and Encapsulated Antennas
  • Wireless LAN Feeds